In the midst of our bustling lives, we’re well aware that cleaning wood floors is no small task—it demands time and expertise. Selecting the appropriate cleaner and understanding which tools are best suited for the job can pose quite a challenge. Yet, mastering the care and cleaning of hardwood floors becomes straightforward once you know what you’re dealing with!

When assessing your floors, start by addressing the type of hardwood flooring you have, and the cleaners used previously. Cleaning hardwood floors is akin to chemistry; awareness of the cleaning agents and their potential impact on the floor’s condition will make all the difference in the final outcome.

Pro Tip: If you know your floors are sealed with polyurethane or wax, use a mild or pH-neutral soap. Try to stay away from acidic cleaners because they can damage wood over time.


Here at Enviroclean we are proudly certified through Bona Wood using their deep clean and finishing system. The process is considered to be an interim maintenance service for floors that do not require a full sanding refinish.




This method is designed to break up any existing grease and oil leftover on your wood floor. Our machine first applies a neutral pH solution followed by a soft brush agitation to break up the existing soiling atop the wood floor. At the same time, our machine is extracting the water and soiled solution to prevent any pooling, letting water sit can lead to permanent damage in the floorboards! This system is guaranteed to remove the existing dirt and grease that’s causing your floor to look dull and dirty.  Once we’ve removed the contaminants, we apply the floor polish/finish. The floor polish is a polyurethane/acrylic blend resin that seals your hardwood floor and restores the beautiful sheen to those once lackluster floorboards!

Before Photo

Before Cleaning and Finishing

Finished Product

After Cleaning and Finishing

During Cleaning

During Cleaning Process

During Cleaning Process

During Finishing Process