‘and now for the rest of the story’
(Sorry, I just love to say that)  In last months issue, I told you what the industry says about removing pet stains.  You may have been devastated to read that all old urine stains are permanent.  What if  I were to tell you that we can remove 99% of all pet stains, old or not.  That’s exactly what I’m telling you now.  The rest of the industry believes exactly what I wrote in the last issue, that all old urine stains are permanent.  In fact, I am certain that there is not a stain that we cannot remove, old or new.  I am referring to stains, and not “bleached” areas where the color has been removed or reduced so that it is no longer intact, in that case we would spot dye. We’ll discuss this in a future issue.  Where were we, ah yes, the concern within the carpet cleaning industry is that the  majority of carpet cleaners are unaware of the rapid changes and advancements in technology.  Additionally, quite frankly it’s un-nerving to have to explain that the removal of a urine stain or any other type of stain requires an additional fee.  For years unethical carpet cleaning companies have used “bait and switch” tactics to lure customers with low-ball prices and then hit them with ridiculous up-charges.  I got off the subject of urine again, forgive me, I’m very passionate about this subject as well, and we’ll be discussing ’bait and switch’ companies in a future issue as well.  
Back to urine (now that sounds exciting doesn’t it), recent developments have produced several new cleaning agents,  solutions, and techniques which make old urine stains, and practically every other type of stain removable.  Admittedly, these procedures require additional time, effort, cleaning agents, and specific choreographed procedures.  What does this mean?  It means that nearly every stain and associated odor (urine or feces) can be removed.  What else does this mean?  Yes, the additional stain removal techniques require an extra investment.  Often times, the assumption when having carpeting cleaned is that everything should be included.  Actually, high quality carpet cleaning is an art, and specialty spot and stain removal is a science , which when combined makes for a high quality service.

At Enviroclean, we offer several different carpet cleaning packages.  Not every carpet we clean requires our” Complete Restoration”, service where our “Quickie Re-Fresher’ service may be all that is needed when appearance is the main concern.   We also offer our “Healthy Home” carpet cleaning service package, which provides the benefits of a healthy sanitized environment and a high quality appearance, and  finally, our “Maintenance” cleaning package.